by Elegant Themes
by Elegant Themes
The Possibilities are Countless
Through the combination of different column structures and modules, a wide range of category and homepage designs can be created. Whether you are running a personal blog or a huge online media giant, Extra can be tailored to suite your needs.

Build Posts & Tell Stories Like Never Before
All of these great features come together in the form of amazing story-driven blog posts that your readers will enjoy. Push the limits of the web as a multi-media platform and deliver to your audience articles that inspire a new sense of wonder and encourage a higher level of engagement. These are the blog posts of the future.

Products & Projects
In addition to standard blog posts, Extra also expands on two other important areas: Projects and Products. If you are a designer looking to showcase your recent work, Extra makes it dead simple. Looking to sell products to your readers? Extra makes that easy too with perfect WooCommerce integration.
Shop Ready
Extra has given special attention to its Shop integration. Everything about the WooCommerce storefront has been re-design to look right at home inside of Extra’s sleek and modern design.

Gorgeous Project Portfolios
Extra comes with a new custom post type for Projects, making it easy to create beautiful portfolio pages to showcase your most recent work.
Advanced Mega Menus
Extra comes with a set of custom Mega Menus that were built to suit the needs of bloggers and online publications. Display your recent or favorite posts directly in the category dropdown menu!

Secondary & Footer Navigation
Extra comes with three different menu locations. In addition the primary navigation menu, links can also been added to the footer and secondary header locations.
Back to Top, Fixed Nav & Smooth Scrolling Link
Extra makes it extremely easy to navigation your website. Its fixed header ensures that your most important links are always accessible. If the fixed header is disable, then the back to top button makes it easy to return to your main menu after reading long posts.

Gorgeous Blog Layouts
Extra places special attention on blog posts, giving you everything you need to accompany your well-written articles. Post format support, user ratings, related posts and author boxes are just a few things you will come to enjoy.

Post Formats For Any Occassion
Extra comes with post 7 different post formats, including Video, Gallery, Map, Quote, Link, Audio and Text. This allows you to create a wide range of posts, each of which will have it’s layout tailored to the type of content you are publishing.
Geared Towards Visitor Interaction
Extra comes with social media integration out of the box. All posts have integrated share buttons, and Extra’s Social Follow widget places your social media profiles and follower counts in close reach. Posts are augmented with lists of related articles, and author boxes are placed below each post.

Elegantly Responsive
Extra was built to look great no matter how you are viewing each. Everything has been built upon a fluid and responsive grid, which means your website will look great on every screen size and every device.

Product & Post Reviews
Give your review post some extra polish using Extra’s custom review system. Users can rate posts as well, improving interaction and providing valuable insight.

Add a Product Review to Any Post
Extra comes with its very own review system, allowing you to write detailed product reviews with custom breakdowns. Recent reviews are displayed in Extra’s custom review widget, and review scores are integrated into all post feeds.
Let Your Readers Review Your Posts
Extra also opens the door for users to rate your posts with a simple star rating system. Posts can then be sorted by rating, and the ratings received can give you insight into how well each of your articles performs with your particular audience.

Custom Widgets
Not only does Extra comes with loads of custom modules for your categories and posts, but your sidebar also gets an update with tons of custom widgets geared towards the needs of bloggers.
Customize Everything
Extra comes with a serious set of customizer controls, all of which are easily accessible and live-preview-able with the WordPress Theme Customizer. There are countless options that can be used to completely alter the look and feel of your website. You don’t need to be a developer or create custom Child Themes to change most everything about how Extra looks.