Microsoft Edge
The latest “Simply Windows” video is now available, focusing on tips for organizing your tabs in Microsoft Edge.
If you’re new to Windows 10 or want to learn more about how to get the most out of it, this video series can help you get up to speed. And as writers in the series have had to work from home, like many people, they’re sharing their remote experiences in these newer episodes and answering questions from viewers.
In episode 12, writer Maxx Ramos guides you through working with Microsoft Edge, specifically on using Collections to organize the many, many tabs you may have open on your browser. This way, you can quickly pull up the tabs according to those collections, which could align to shopping, research or any project. She also shows you how to quickly pick up where you left off with your tabs.
Find out more about “Simply Windows” and check out a playlist of previous shows. Windows Community also has videos on the new Microsoft Edge and managing favorites, if you want to know more about that.
And if you like this, check out other Windows 10 Tips.